What You Need to Know About Pre-Wiring Your Home

Pre-wiring your home during the building process is the best way to ensure that all of your home’s technological needs can be met with the sturdiest and most reliable connections possible: wiring. Wired connections are preferred to most types of technological set-ups, including internet, cable, smart home technology and everything in between. And with an increasing amount of our daily entertainment and lives relying on technology, it’s more important than ever to make sure that your home has all of the building blocks it needs for wired technology.

What Can You Pre-Wire For?

Thankfully, you can pre-wire your home for most types of wired technology. Pre-wiring is best done during the construction/building phase.

The most common types of pre-writing are for cable, internet and satellite providers. Pre-wiring can help ensure you get the fastest and most reliable connections for cable and internet; it will also make the setup process when you choose a cable and/or internet provider much faster and less invasive.

Other types of pre-writing include pre-writing for audio, such as primary and secondary surround sound throughout the home. Wiring for audio can be set up near entertainment devices such as TVs, as well as throughout the home (including bedrooms) as necessary.

Pre-wiring is also beneficial if you plan to have home security and surveillance cameras. While you can set-up Wi-Fi based cameras, wired cameras are the best option for better quality, faster speeds and more reliable connections when it comes to recording and displaying footage for security purposes.

Another increasingly common reason for pre-wiring is smart home technology, which includes everything from Bluetooth connections to integrated appliances and much more in between. Pre-wiring for smart technology is a must for anyone with an interest in modern technology, especially since smart home technology is quickly going from a unique novelty to a standard part of modern homeowner’s lives. Smart home technology can include everything from mounted displays for tablets and iPads to smart doorbells to controlled fireplaces and other conveniences which are becoming more and more common, especially in newly built homes.

Benefits of Pre-Wiring B

There are many benefits to pre-wiring your home. The most significant benefits to modern homeowners is the convenience: pre-wiring makes it easier and faster to have new technological connections set-up, since pre-wiring means that installation providers won’t need to install brand new wiring every time you want something new set up in your home.

Another benefit to pre-wiring is that it allows an opening for new technological developments in the home in the future. For instance, while you may not be interested in integrated smart home technology now, you made decide to install it in the future—if your home is pre-wired, you won’t have to pay and deal with the hassle of having fresh wiring installed years down the line. And if you ever plan or need to sell your home, pre-wiring is a huge boost in appeal for any home that will actually increase your home’s value in the eyes of prospective buyers.