Start Future Proofing your Home

Smart Wiring or “future proofing” your home are terms which are become more and more household names. But, what does it really mean and what is involved?

The cabling infrastructure of the future is rapidly changing. This is something every homeowner should keep in mind. Whether you are building a brand-new home, or upgrading the one you live in, smart wiring should be a consideration. Actually, it is a must. If you do it not just for yourself, smart wiring adds value to your home should you want to sell one day.

Smart wiring means that you have a cable structure in your house that connects to all essential services. However, bear in mind, that new technology will emerge. Staying one step ahead is smart.

Common services are:

  • Telephone
  • Computers
  • Music
  • Blu-Ray / DVD
  • Television (Free to Air / Satellite / Cable)
  • Lighting
  • Internet communications
  • Security cameras throughout the home

Is smart wiring more than just a network cable?

Indeed, smart wiring is much more than just a network cable. When the expert talks about smart wiring, he means several different types of wires throughout the house, which all connect to one single platform. The advantage of this kind of installation is that various smart home systems can be connected with more to come in the future if you choose so.

Can I smartwire the house myself?

Unless you are a smart wire technician, you are probably not able to do it all yourself. The technician has a great understanding of what smart devices are already available as well what the near future holds. If the National Broadband Network, also known as NBN, has not already been rolled out in your area, most likely on day it will reach you too. You want to be prepared for this day!

Frank Gergelifi, from Energy Australia, says, smart wiring is not really rocket science, but it will give you the possibility to be flexible in your own home and expand into the future. The trick, however that you invest into high-quality cables. A once well laid out smart wiring can be expanded in five or ten years to come if the occasion arises.

Central hub: A central hub makes it possible, that power and data can flow to wherever you need it. The advantage is that you can buy advanced remote controls, which let you control all your smart appliances in the house. Alternatively, you can use your iPad as well.

Computer Control Panel: Another option is to install a computer control panel, which is also done by the technician. With the relevant software, you can access the computer wirelessly through a remote control. This smart wiring system is more and more popular in hotels and resorts. It gives the visitor the opportunity to control things like the air conditioning or the television from just one device.


Smart wiring is without any question the future of the cable system to come. Controlling your smart wired house with just one single device gives you certain advantages and privileges other houses do not have yet. Furthermore, if you are selling your home it is more valuable and will add to a better price!